The revolutionary change in factory production techniques and management that is
predicted to take place by the beginning of the 21st century will require
unprecedented involvement of computer controlled system in the production
process. Development of Computer Numerical (CNC) is an outstanding contribution
to the manufacturing industries. With the help of CNC technology, it has been
possible to integrate production equipment into a totally computer controlled
environment. The present generation of CNC machine tools is designed to meet the
requirements of high productivity, flexibility and reliability to produce components
of consistently high quality and accuracy combined with reduction in
manufacturing cost. So it becomes essential to update the knowledge of
academicians & practicing engineers in the areas of CNC programming and
The objective of this program is to transfer knowledge and to impart special skills to those
engaged in the promotion and facilitation of CNC technologies. The idea is to provide training
from basic to advanced level in programming & maintenance, to persons coming from the
colleges, various research organizations, and NGOs.
- Understand the basic procedures
- and concepts of programming,
- set up and operation of a CNC
- Machining Center.
- Introduction to CNC.
- Introduction to codes
- G codes.
- M codes.
- Fundamentals of CNC lathe.
- Offsets settings.
- Part programming.
- Import and Export program.
- Different canned cycles.
- Grooving cycle.
- Thread cycle.
- Fundamentals of CNC MILLING